12 interesting alternative ways to heal trauma

You know how, many African cultures have rituals involving dancing and chanting? They are done on many occasions including after births and deaths. It turns out that the Western world is catching up to these along with other art forms as beneficial ways to heal from trauma. Well of course, everything originated in Africa 😉

Anyway, last week I wrote about Black American trauma: 3 important concepts worth knowing. Go and read that first!

There are books on various types of trauma and how to heal from them. A popular one based off of extensive research on multiple types of trauma is The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma. The title of the book alludes to the fact that trauma is not just retained in our minds, it is also stored in our bodies. In other words, trauma affects our entire being. Therefore, incorporating movement or body-work is beneficial in the healing process because it integrates body and mind in restoration. The author of the book, Dr. Bessel van der Kolk mentions the following ways to heal from trauma (other than psychotherapy).

1) Dancing and chanting

2) Massage therapy

3) Yoga

4) Martial arts e.g. karate, Tai Chi, and Tai Boo

5) Acupuncture

6) Meditation e.g. breathing exercises and positive affirmations

7) Doing art e.g. coloring, painting, drawing, and collages

8) Journaling

9) Exercise or physical activity

10) Poetry writing or doing spoken word

11) Having a safe mutual supportive relationship

12) Theatre or psychodrama

There you have it! Which activities from the list do you do? What do you want to start doing? If you need more tips, check out my self-care page.

It’s nice to know you can heal even without seeing a therapist. But please don’t use this to talk yourself out of seeking psychotherapy when you know that is really what you need to get through your trauma. If that’s the case for you, check out my resources page and read my post to answer 10 frequently asked questions about psychotherapy.

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3 Responses

  1. What wonderful, natural tips for handling stress and trauma you have shared with us Dr. Amin. Thank-you so much!
    Dr. Hinds-Zaami

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