8 reasons why you might not be getting the most out of your therapy sessions

Many people today have been to therapy, are currently in therapy, or are considering going for therapy. (By the way, if you are considering going to therapy and you reside in Pennsylvania, I am currently accepting new clients here!)  Psychotherapy is hard work. Although it is not the visible type of work like working on your garden, it truly can lead to growth in multiple ways.…


Why you might not have needed counseling in Africa, but you need it in the U.S.

I often hear African immigrants say that they have never had a reason to seek professional counseling. (Read this post for common reasons they give). I believe counseling is even more important for African immigrants because traditional practices geared toward mental health in many parts of Africa are no longer common and are definitely not available in the U.S. African history lesson First off, I am not…


Ways to find affordable mental help in the U.S.

As I stated in my last post, a major reason why African immigrants don’t seek counseling is because they believe they can’t afford it. Before you nod in agreement, keep reading and you'll see that there are a lot more inexpensive resources available to you. (Here are some answers to other questions people have about psychotherapy)1. If you are a student (undergraduate or graduate) at a…

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What prevents African immigrants from seeking mental help?

Seeking mental help is not an easy thing to do. Not only do I know from personal experience (yes therapists need therapists, we’re human), but I've met many people, Africans included, who have thought about psychotherapy and have given up without trying. After all, you are first acknowledging that you have struggles. Second, you are recognizing that your issues are beyond your capacity to handle. Third,…