How dancing is good for your mental health

In honor of National Dance Day today, below is a little treat for you. But before you watch the video, a few fun facts on dancing and mental health: Dancing improves your attitude and mood  Dancing releases chemicals in your brain that can ease anxiety and depression Dancing can increase your creativity  Dancing can protect your memory especially if you are learning and memorizing new movement…


So you don’t want to talk about death and dying?

Most people don’t want to talk about it. Maybe that’s why we should, right? It’s been on my topic list. Plus, the topic keeps coming up with clients, in the books I’m reading, or let’s face it, in life. We’ve all heard about someone passing away recently especially with the pandemic and everything that’s happening in the world.Death is one thing apart from change, that we,…


6 easy things I’m learning about living more happily

In the beginning of the year, I wrote about Happiness: 5 proven ways to be happier in 2021, prompted by a reader who like myself sought insight on living happily. (Feel free to go back and read that article.) The premise was that we don't have to wait for something monumental to happen before we experience happiness. Although we are still in this semi-transitional place of…


How to deal with anxiety of an open summer since Covid-19

Summer is here! With the CDC loosening it's guidelines for those who have gotten the Covid vaccine, many of us will be going out more frequently and doing less social distancing. While this is exciting for many, it is anxiety-provoking for others. It can also bring some expectations and assumptions about what life after pandemic will look like. I had a client tell me she felt…

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How to shut off your brain and get rest

Shutting off the brain is difficult especially for anyone trying to accomplish goals, care for others, and maintain healthy relationships. There are always task lists roaming around in our minds. First off, you might want to thank your brain for helping you to constantly problem-solve; it keeps you creative and able to produce a lot of valuable things. However, sometimes we need to tell it to…


Women, our insecurities, and the truth about who we are

Happy Women’s Month ladies!!! Women are just incredible, aren’t they? Our bodies, our emotions, our minds, our ways, our beauty, our being. God made us beautifully.But as women, we frequently struggle with our self-image. We may feel not skinny enough, fit enough, voluptuous enough, tall enough, short enough, smart enough, quiet enough, gentle enough, talkative enough, light-skinned enough, dark enough, pretty enough, the list goes on.…

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How to help your adolescent child get through depression

Mental pain is less dramatic than physical pain, but it is more common and also more hard to bear. The frequent attempt to conceal mental pain increases the burden: It is easier to say, ‘My tooth is aching’ than to say, ‘My heart is broken.’ —C.S. LewisDepression is marked by sadness, emptiness, and/or irritable mood. You lose the pleasure you once felt in doing things you…


Happiness: 5 proven ways to be happier in 2021

I recently asked people the question, “What topics would you like to see addressed on African Mind Healer blog in 2021?” Someone’s response was “living happily,” which made me think “it sounds so simple, but it can be hard for us adults to be happy.” I wish I had a formula to compute what I need to be happy, but I don’t. Nobody does. What makes…