It’s Black History Month, discover a new Black author, ME!

THE WAIT IS OVER! Not Far From the Truth is available now. Click here to see where you can get a copy! If you have been a reader of this blog, this book is for you. Here is what you will find on the back of the book:What matters most is not if we encounter problems, rather it is how we cope with them. This book…


My new book, “Not Far From The Truth” is ALMOST here!

One of my favorite books is The Shack: Where Tragedy Confronts Eternity. I love it so much because of the conversations between Mack and God. It made me ponder my own perceptions of God and why “bad” things happen. And the whole book felt so real that I could see myself in the story. Why am I telling you this?Because the conversations in The Shack were…


How to survive the holidays in 2023 as a single person

Happy Holidays!!! It's hard to believe this is the last month of 2023. December is here and the holiday season is upon us.While the holidays are festive, they can also be challenging for some people. Many of us can be glad to take time off from work, travel, and reunite with family and friends. But, the season can bring up reminders of loved ones you've have…


How to deal with disappointment and regret as a Christian

I was recently part of a panel discussion about maturing in our walk with God from a holistic perspective. It was a wonderful event. One of the questions asked was “How do you deal with disappointment and regret as a Christian?” The question lingered in my mind afterward because I had more thoughts since the question was posed. So, you know what that means? It calls…


How to overcome the aspect that prevents people from experiencing peace

Have you wondered why some people are able to be at peace even though they have a lot of problems? And I don’t mean the people who are oblivious or in denial. I’m talking about those people who have a sense of peace although their lives are not perfect. Well, I’m here to tell you the secret. I can hear my fellow Christians saying, “it’s Jesus…


How to get through depression using the Psalms

Are you feeling tired and worn out? You might have lost interest in doing anything. It's difficult to get a good night's sleep or the opposite, you are sleeping all the time. Maybe your mind is spiraling in different directions, and you don’t know how to silence it so that you can focus on one thing. Your mind won't give you a break; so many things…


8 reasons why you might not be getting the most out of your therapy sessions

Many people today have been to therapy, are currently in therapy, or are considering going for therapy. (By the way, if you are considering going to therapy and you reside in Pennsylvania, I am currently accepting new clients here!)  Psychotherapy is hard work. Although it is not the visible type of work like working on your garden, it truly can lead to growth in multiple ways.…


3 easy grounding techniques to manage your stress

We all experience stress on a regular basis. Some of us more than others and depending on the season, certain periods can be more stressful than others. Apart from stress, many of us struggle with anxiety, depression, trauma, and anger issues. We can sometimes get triggered and we can find ourselves having spiraling negative thoughts that are difficult to control. Additionally, dwelling on our fears, over-thinking…


Here’s to dismantling the immigrant’s pressure to succeed

Happy New Year my people! There’s this expression we said in Cameroon when I was growing up, “New year, new fashion,” which basically means “New year, new ways” or “new year, new me.” I’ve decided to write to encourage the opposite of what many of us immigrants especially those from developing nations, were raised to believe. Bear with me and please keep reading!Many of us from…