Caring for yourself during Coronavirus quarantine

Wondering what to do while you are at home for the next... (I don't know) days? Below are a few FREE resources for you. Care for your mental health Care for your Coronavirus Anxiety - Here's a tool kit with meditation activities, informative articles, and a lot more resources. FACE COVID e-book - This short e-book offers practical ways to mentally manage the Coronavirus crisisDo Yoga With…


Dealing with difficult emotions during the holidays

The holiday season can bring up a lot of emotions, making it difficult to communicate, and increasing stress. You may need to make some tough decisions that could affect your relationships with others. On the other hand, some situations can be easily rectified and your reactions to them could make things worse. How do you regulate your emotions so you are not over-reacting or lashing out at…

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Music and dance for the holidays

Music and dance are great tools to de-stress, boost mood, and they have positive benefits to mental health. So here's a treat for you. Take some time to dance, sing, and have fun this holidays. I trust you will... we Africans know how to enjoy music so go ahead!