My new book, “Not Far From The Truth” is ALMOST here!

One of my favorite books is The Shack: Where Tragedy Confronts Eternity. I love it so much because of the conversations between Mack and God. It made me ponder my own perceptions of God and why “bad” things happen. And the whole book felt so real that I could see myself in the story. Why am I telling you this?Because the conversations in The Shack were…


A little encouragement for the unmarried Christian

Sometimes I wake up on Saturday mornings and I say this prayer borrowed from a dear friend’s best friend “Lord, order my day today” because my schedule is free to be rearranged. I wasn’t exactly planning to write today, but my plans this morning got moved to the afternoon, so here I am, writing. If you are a deep-thinking writer, you know it takes a lot…

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How to overcome the aspect that prevents people from experiencing peace

Have you wondered why some people are able to be at peace even though they have a lot of problems? And I don’t mean the people who are oblivious or in denial. I’m talking about those people who have a sense of peace although their lives are not perfect. Well, I’m here to tell you the secret. I can hear my fellow Christians saying, “it’s Jesus…


How to live in the present and manage worry about the future

Have you ever wondered how paradoxical it can feel to plan for the future yet live in the present? Two weeks ago, I wrote about How to think long-term in an instant gratification world. But it can be tempting to begin worrying about your long-term goals. That's why some people don't set long-term goals. It's difficult to live in the tension of the present with hopes…


How to get through depression using the Psalms

Are you feeling tired and worn out? You might have lost interest in doing anything. It's difficult to get a good night's sleep or the opposite, you are sleeping all the time. Maybe your mind is spiraling in different directions, and you don’t know how to silence it so that you can focus on one thing. Your mind won't give you a break; so many things…


8 reasons why you might not be getting the most out of your therapy sessions

Many people today have been to therapy, are currently in therapy, or are considering going for therapy. (By the way, if you are considering going to therapy and you reside in Pennsylvania, I am currently accepting new clients here!)  Psychotherapy is hard work. Although it is not the visible type of work like working on your garden, it truly can lead to growth in multiple ways.…


The silent sufferer

Happy almost 4th of July! It looks like July 4th weekend is easily becoming my poetry weekend. At this time 2 years ago, I wrote a poem about rest. This time, it's about suffering in silence.  We’ve all experienced some sort of hardships in our lives. Sometimes it can be difficult to talk to others about it even though the more we hold on to things…

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Do you find it difficult being an adult?

My people, it’s been a while since I ranted about something random like how people struggle with our African names or how our African relatives won't let us be single. Well, it’s time! Time for another rant about adulting.Various cultures used to have markers and ceremonies to signify emerging adulthood. But with globalization, many of those things have been lost. In the U.S., you become independent…