“I don’t want to go, but I feel bad”

The holidays are coming up. You might be feeling excitement, anxiety, dread, or a combination of all three. (Read these stress management tips I wrote). You might be asking, “Do I really have to go for that family event?” “Do I really have to travel this holiday season?” Maybe you feel a little pressure or an obligation to go visit certain family members even though you don’t…


Happiness: 5 proven ways to be happier in 2021

I recently asked people the question, “What topics would you like to see addressed on African Mind Healer blog in 2021?” Someone’s response was “living happily,” which made me think “it sounds so simple, but it can be hard for us adults to be happy.” I wish I had a formula to compute what I need to be happy, but I don’t. Nobody does. What makes…


Nothing more delightful than RESTING in the New Year

As you think about ending 2020 and beginning 2021, here’s something to consider. Rest to work rather than work to rest! Many people take time off work during the holiday season, but many of us don’t know how to rest. I mean truly resting by letting go of the pressures in your mind that you need to be doing something or going somewhere, and simply allowing yourself…


What does forgiveness look like in practice?

Relationships are challenging. Even more so during the holidays. We are reminded of our relationships with family and friends, those with whom we get along and those with whom we don’t get along. It can be hard to navigate our relationships with those who have hurt us. Will forgiving them mean you are accepting what they did as okay? Does it mean you should allow them…


Dealing with difficult emotions during the holidays

The holiday season can bring up a lot of emotions, making it difficult to communicate, and increasing stress. You may need to make some tough decisions that could affect your relationships with others. On the other hand, some situations can be easily rectified and your reactions to them could make things worse. How do you regulate your emotions so you are not over-reacting or lashing out at…

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Music and dance for the holidays

Music and dance are great tools to de-stress, boost mood, and they have positive benefits to mental health. So here's a treat for you. Take some time to dance, sing, and have fun this holidays. I trust you will... we Africans know how to enjoy music so go ahead!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7ZIfABig58


Handling difficult relationships during the holidays

Before you read this post, I would recommend reading the first one on how to handle difficult conversations.Broken relationships can be a real challenge and sometimes for good reason. Working with clients in psychotherapy, some people have presented some truly difficult circumstances. For example, I’ve spoken to different young women from collectivistic cultures who have experienced sexual abuse from a relative who has shown no remorse…

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