How to overcome the aspect that prevents people from experiencing peace

Have you wondered why some people are able to be at peace even though they have a lot of problems? And I don’t mean the people who are oblivious or in denial. I’m talking about those people who have a sense of peace although their lives are not perfect. Well, I’m here to tell you the secret. I can hear my fellow Christians saying, “it’s Jesus…


3 easy grounding techniques to manage your stress

We all experience stress on a regular basis. Some of us more than others and depending on the season, certain periods can be more stressful than others. Apart from stress, many of us struggle with anxiety, depression, trauma, and anger issues. We can sometimes get triggered and we can find ourselves having spiraling negative thoughts that are difficult to control. Additionally, dwelling on our fears, over-thinking…


How dancing is good for your mental health

In honor of National Dance Day today, below is a little treat for you. But before you watch the video, a few fun facts on dancing and mental health: Dancing improves your attitude and mood  Dancing releases chemicals in your brain that can ease anxiety and depression Dancing can increase your creativity  Dancing can protect your memory especially if you are learning and memorizing new movement…


So you don’t want to talk about death and dying?

Most people don’t want to talk about it. Maybe that’s why we should, right? It’s been on my topic list. Plus, the topic keeps coming up with clients, in the books I’m reading, or let’s face it, in life. We’ve all heard about someone passing away recently especially with the pandemic and everything that’s happening in the world.Death is one thing apart from change, that we,…


How to deal with anxiety of an open summer since Covid-19

Summer is here! With the CDC loosening it's guidelines for those who have gotten the Covid vaccine, many of us will be going out more frequently and doing less social distancing. While this is exciting for many, it is anxiety-provoking for others. It can also bring some expectations and assumptions about what life after pandemic will look like. I had a client tell me she felt…

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An easy way to deal with stress and anxiety

Disclaimer: This is easy in theory but not always in practice.  Stress is a part of life. We all experience it to varying degrees. Some stress keeps us motivated and productive, while too much stress can lead to burnout. We’ve been in a pandemic for about 28 weeks now and it’s changed our normal way of living. It’s changed the way we work, educate our kids,…


Caring for yourself during Coronavirus quarantine

Wondering what to do while you are at home for the next... (I don't know) days? Below are a few FREE resources for you. Care for your mental health Care for your Coronavirus Anxiety - Here's a tool kit with meditation activities, informative articles, and a lot more resources. FACE COVID e-book - This short e-book offers practical ways to mentally manage the Coronavirus crisisDo Yoga With…


How to stay calm in the face of the Coronavirus and locust swarms

We are living in very strange times. There were the fires in Australia that started since July 2019 and lasted for about 8 months. They are currently over (thank God) due to the rainy season. But the rain has gotten very heavy to the point of causing flooding. Then, there are swarms of locusts in East Africa, the Middle East, and Asia - that's a wide…


Stress management tips in your African homes during the holidays

The holidays are fast approaching. When I was a child in Cameroon, I looked forward to December. It was one of my favorite periods because people came together to celebrate. There was always a lot of food and merriment. As an adult, although I enjoy spending the holidays with my family, I realize that there is more to this one-sided story of cheerful holidays. This season…


Stories of mental distress and how to identify yours

You know when you go to your doctor and they ask for your family’s health history? Many Africans don’t have much to write, not because there are no health issues in the family, but because they are not aware of them. Maybe some health issues weren’t diagnosed. The responses to mental health history are even more scarce. The questions go something like this… Do you have…