Important things you need to know about Highly Sensitive People

Have you heard of the term highly sensitive personality or HSP? Well, I am one of those highly sensitive people and it turns out that so are 15 to 20 percent of the population. That is almost every 5th of your family or friends regardless of gender. Therefore, if you haven’t heard of it, here’s your chance to understand yourself or a loved one better.The word,…


7 tips on how to develop consistent times with God

Are you overwhelmed by the thought of reading the Bible or improving your prayer life? Maybe you want something deeper than going to church on Sundays. Or maybe you want to feel more grounded throughout your week. It can be difficult to know where to start or how to keep going. I’ve been there! Having a relationship with God is a wonderful experience. It can be…


Here’s to dismantling the immigrant’s pressure to succeed

Happy New Year my people! There’s this expression we said in Cameroon when I was growing up, “New year, new fashion,” which basically means “New year, new ways” or “new year, new me.” I’ve decided to write to encourage the opposite of what many of us immigrants especially those from developing nations, were raised to believe. Bear with me and please keep reading!Many of us from…


The truth no one tells you about break-ups

Breakups are not fun (to say the least). You may feel relief, shame, guilt, fear, anxiety, and have thoughts of “not being good enough” and “why didn’t it work?” Depending on the circumstance, your loved ones may have a lot to say. Some of them may be glad because they didn’t like the person, others may truly not understand, and still others may contribute to the…


Why can’t I stop doing the things I hate?

Knowledge does not equal behavior change. If it did, the world wouldn’t be in so much chaos (and I would be out of a job). But why doesn’t knowing directly lead to change? Because of our defenses and automatic responses developed from our upbringing, culture, beliefs, traumas, and sinful nature. Even the apostle Paul said in Romans 7:15-20 (NIV)I do not understand what I do. For…


6 easy things I’m learning about living more happily

In the beginning of the year, I wrote about Happiness: 5 proven ways to be happier in 2021, prompted by a reader who like myself sought insight on living happily. (Feel free to go back and read that article.) The premise was that we don't have to wait for something monumental to happen before we experience happiness. Although we are still in this semi-transitional place of…


25 helpful things I wish I were told before migrating to the U.S.

The questions from my last post, which is a must read before you read this one (don’t worry, it’s very short) are: All those who migrated to the U.S. from a different country, if you could go back and tell your younger self what you know now about transitioning, what would you tell yourself? What advice would have helped you? What do you know now that…


Understanding Juneteenth as an African in America

Today is Juneteenth! If you are like me who didn't grow up in the U.S., you probably didn't hear about Juneteenth till you lived in the U.S. for a few years. Actually, many who were born and raised in the U.S. don't know about Juneteenth. "Juneteenth is the oldest nationally celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery in the United States. Dating back to 1865, it…

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How to shut off your brain and get rest

Shutting off the brain is difficult especially for anyone trying to accomplish goals, care for others, and maintain healthy relationships. There are always task lists roaming around in our minds. First off, you might want to thank your brain for helping you to constantly problem-solve; it keeps you creative and able to produce a lot of valuable things. However, sometimes we need to tell it to…


Women, our insecurities, and the truth about who we are

Happy Women’s Month ladies!!! Women are just incredible, aren’t they? Our bodies, our emotions, our minds, our ways, our beauty, our being. God made us beautifully.But as women, we frequently struggle with our self-image. We may feel not skinny enough, fit enough, voluptuous enough, tall enough, short enough, smart enough, quiet enough, gentle enough, talkative enough, light-skinned enough, dark enough, pretty enough, the list goes on.…

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