How do we balance God’s grace and God’s sternness?

I was recently rebuked (strongly corrected) for something I did. Yes, it was painful, but Proverbs 27:5-6 says “Better is open rebuke than hidden love. Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses.” I know I can trust the correction because it was given in love by mature disciples in my church. Although it brought a lot of unpleasant feelings initially, I've…


3 easy grounding techniques to manage your stress

We all experience stress on a regular basis. Some of us more than others and depending on the season, certain periods can be more stressful than others. Apart from stress, many of us struggle with anxiety, depression, trauma, and anger issues. We can sometimes get triggered and we can find ourselves having spiraling negative thoughts that are difficult to control. Additionally, dwelling on our fears, over-thinking…


Important things you need to know about Highly Sensitive People

Have you heard of the term highly sensitive personality or HSP? Well, I am one of those highly sensitive people and it turns out that so are 15 to 20 percent of the population. That is almost every 5th of your family or friends regardless of gender. Therefore, if you haven’t heard of it, here’s your chance to understand yourself or a loved one better.The word,…


7 tips on how to develop consistent times with God

Are you overwhelmed by the thought of reading the Bible or improving your prayer life? Maybe you want something deeper than going to church on Sundays. Or maybe you want to feel more grounded throughout your week. It can be difficult to know where to start or how to keep going. I’ve been there! Having a relationship with God is a wonderful experience. It can be…


Here’s to dismantling the immigrant’s pressure to succeed

Happy New Year my people! There’s this expression we said in Cameroon when I was growing up, “New year, new fashion,” which basically means “New year, new ways” or “new year, new me.” I’ve decided to write to encourage the opposite of what many of us immigrants especially those from developing nations, were raised to believe. Bear with me and please keep reading!Many of us from…


“I don’t want to go, but I feel bad”

The holidays are coming up. You might be feeling excitement, anxiety, dread, or a combination of all three. (Read these stress management tips I wrote). You might be asking, “Do I really have to go for that family event?” “Do I really have to travel this holiday season?” Maybe you feel a little pressure or an obligation to go visit certain family members even though you don’t…


The truth no one tells you about break-ups

Breakups are not fun (to say the least). You may feel relief, shame, guilt, fear, anxiety, and have thoughts of “not being good enough” and “why didn’t it work?” Depending on the circumstance, your loved ones may have a lot to say. Some of them may be glad because they didn’t like the person, others may truly not understand, and still others may contribute to the…


Why can’t I stop doing the things I hate?

Knowledge does not equal behavior change. If it did, the world wouldn’t be in so much chaos (and I would be out of a job). But why doesn’t knowing directly lead to change? Because of our defenses and automatic responses developed from our upbringing, culture, beliefs, traumas, and sinful nature. Even the apostle Paul said in Romans 7:15-20 (NIV)I do not understand what I do. For…


Are you seeking something more than religion?

“From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us.” (Acts 17:26-27 NIV)It’s encouraging to know that God is…

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How dancing is good for your mental health

In honor of National Dance Day today, below is a little treat for you. But before you watch the video, a few fun facts on dancing and mental health: Dancing improves your attitude and mood  Dancing releases chemicals in your brain that can ease anxiety and depression Dancing can increase your creativity  Dancing can protect your memory especially if you are learning and memorizing new movement…